25 Problemen die alleen mannen met baarden begrijpen. (Engels)


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Having a beard is a wonderful thing: being able to grow a sweet beard with a shiny and the thickness of a small forest should be a mark of true achievement. Back before someone who probably couldn’t grow a beard decided that shaving off your naturally occuring animal mane was more hygienic and more fashionable (both utter garbage, by the way), men had beards and long hair and everything was simpler. You didn’t see them complaining about the poor battery life of their iPhones, or about the traffic, did you? There’s definitely a link.

A beard is just as much of a calling as your career choice, and taking the plunge to add a permanent heating solution to your lips and chin will enrich your life in a significant number of ways. You will instantly become part of the bearded brethren – an unspoken community that shares appreciative nods – and you get the added bonus of being called a Bear. This means different things to different people, but all implications should be viewed as good.

Unfortunately, beards aren’t all plain sailing, and anyone planning to take the plunge, or commit long-term to their own face growth should run down this list of pains, gripes and grumbles that only the bearded folk of the world will ever understand…

Having To Say You’re Not A F*cking Hipster

“Oh, beards are so popular now, aren’t they.”

It might come as a shock to some, but the humble beard was not invented in 2012 by an artisan coffee and tweed shoe maker who only listens to vinyl (but no bands that YOU would have heard of, obviously). The problem is though, that bloody hipsters took the beard and ran with it, and now everyone who grew their own beard before the Age Of Hip kicked off has to explain that they aren’t a d*ckhead.

That Weird Phantom Milk Smell

For some reason, often with no explanation or obvious cause, the Beard Smell Fairy will impregnante your face furniture with a smell like off milk. And somehow, no amount of cleaning will get rid of it.

The Vice-Like Grip Of Babies

You know when babies squeeze your finger, and their hands are tiny and their grip all fierce and lovely? It’s cute isn’t it? Well, it’s not when we pick your child up and naturally bring them close to our faces to talk nonsense to them like the cooing morons we all become when babies are around, and they do the same reflex on our beards. Getting a child to relinquish their tiny vice-like grip is a lot like trying to get a bulldog to stop biting down; it’s impossible without somebody getting very upset.

Never EVER Being Able To Not Touch The Bloody Thing

The second you have a free moment, your hands will unconsciously be upon your beard, no matter how sparse it is. It’s natural and inevitable, like the urge to cradle your genitals, and unfortunately, it makes you look like there’s either something wrong with you (a skin condition beneath the bristles for instance) or you’re trying really hard to look like some sort of scholar.

Inevitably, this means you’ll end up with twizzles and accidental beard dreads, making it look like it’s auditioning to be lead singer in a 1996 Nu Metal band.

That Idiotic Time You Decide To Shave It Off

Worried that your beard is too fashionable? That it’s making you look too old? Whatever you do, do not shave it off. Babies who once loved you will be horrified that a perfect stranger is pretending to know them, friends will walk straight past you in the street and worst of all, you will immediately be transformed from looking like a rugged lumber-jack to a 14 year old on the cusp of real manhood.

The Itch

No matter how much you clean, that bad boy is going to itch. And if you’re sitting on public transport really getting your nails into it, someone is going to suspect that you’ve got scurvy of the face or something.

Age Shows On Beards First

You can have a head of luxurious thick black hair, and still end up growing a beard as white as Santa’s thanks to a quirk of the Grim Reaper that he likes to remind you of your own creeping mortality by having a reminder that you’re not long for this world on your face. In other words, you will go grey in your beard before it ever spreads to your head: swiftly followed, in fact, by your pubic hair.

So clearly, the process starts with the most awesome hair and works its way down the cool gradient.

“Oh You’d Make A Great Santa”

Is that supposed to be some sort of compliment? That my beard makes me look like I could be an elderly, obese man? Do you go up to men with moustaches and say they’d make a good Hitler?

Literally Eating Your Own Moustache

Having a long moustache to go alongside your beard is a mark of real commitment (not to mention looking a lot better) but it’s a bloody logistical nightmare. Any attempt to bite anything ends with a mouthful of your own hair and the searing pain not only from the yanked bristles, but also from the revelation that you have utterly failed at life.

Movember Guilt

Movember is obviously a great cause, no doubt about it, but as a spectacularly bearded man, you will be judged for refusing to shave it all off and start from scratch in the name of charity. Even if nobody else mentions it, the guilt will gnaw away at your insides, until you catch sight of yourself in the mirror. Then everything seems so much better.


The Face Every Woman Pulls When You Go To Kiss Their Cheek
Anyone who hasn’t been kissed by a man has missed out on one of life’s great enriching experiences. Line up. They’ve also usually got horrible expectations of what your beard will feel like dragged across their apparently perfect skin: they expect sandpaper on genitals style discomfort, and as a result just as you’re moving in for the peck, you catch sight of the inevitable Fear Factor face, as they brace themselves for the pain that never comes.

Moulting Into Your Own Food

Having someone else’s hair in your food is a disgrace. Having your own hair fall into your food as you’re eating it is just bloody tragic.

Unwarranted Beard Attention

What nobody tells you when you decide to start cultivating a face thatch is that beards are the great unifier: between beard fellows and those who aspire to be bearded, and the women and men who love them. You will find this out – particularly at music festivals – as strangers compliment you on your beard. For a British man in particular, this is particularly jarring: we are not pieces of meat. Stop ogling us.

Unless you nip it in the bud, some – usually drunk – people will take it to the next stage and stroke you uninvited, as if it’s perfect fine to just not have any personal boundaries.

“Ruining” Everyone’s Special Photos

Try growing a beard in the run up to your sister/cousin/friend’s wedding and watch what happens. You will be told, in no uncertain terms that your frivilous decision must be gone by the time the event comes round, as if all of the photos will look like an overly-friendly tramp has just borrowed a tuxedo and is wandering around in the background.

The Dilemma Of Conditioner

If you don’t maintain your beard, it will smell and begin to look like you genuinely are a tramp. If you do, and choose normal conditioner, as opposed to something tailored specifically to beard hair, you will look like a blow-dried pom-pom.

Overzealous Barbers

My hair is on my head, why are your scissors and shaver anywhere near my face? Not only is that where I keep most of my sensitive things, I have no interest in your uninvited attempts to tame my beard. And if you shave off my sideburns again leaving no transition between head and beard, I will shave you completely bald myself.

Being Unable To Eat Like A Grown-Up

Soup is out, and so is anything with any kind of sauce, unless you want to have to explain why you’ve got tomato reduction or a red wine jus all over your face 4 hours after you ate anything. The whole eating situation requires no obstacles – it’s not that big a hole at the end of the day – and inevitably making it more difficult means running the risk of looking like a toddler for hours after you eat.


Got black hair? Brown? Blonde? Tough luck, bub, you’re getting a beard the colour of the sun. Even the swarthiest of colouring makes way for the mighty ginger gene, without any real scientific reasoning. So expect grief.

Accidentally Trimming Too Much

As anyone who has attempted to “even” their eyebrows up will attest, amateur beard maintenance isn’t for everyone, and will inevitably lead to something ugly and lop-sided. Or worse, as you attempt to take a little bit more off to even the other side up, you’ll end up looking like a 12 year old, clean-shaved child in no time.

Guilt By Association

Do you know what Harold Shipman, Peter Sutcliffe, Rolf Harris and Charles Manson have in common? They’re all raving psychotic criminals with no moral compass. It has literally nothing to do with how they choose to keep their chins warm. But try telling that to the person you’re walking behind down a dark alleyway…

Blowing Your Nose Becomes A Lottery

When you’re clean shaving, noticing that you haven’t quite wiped away your nose drippings is as easy as feeling wetness on your skin. When you’ve got a beard, you’d better make damn sure you blow your nose in front of a mirror every single time, or you’re going out in public with incriminating snail trails in your beard, and our image really doesn’t need that.

Not Being Able To Eat Garlic Without Stinking For Days

Forget aftershave: if you want something delicious smelling that will mask all of your body odours for the coming week and a half, just eat a very small amount of garlic, making sure it comes into contact with a couple of hairs on the way in. And hey presto! You too will be able to smell like Jamie Oliver’s fingers for the foreseeable future.


Bearded man, know your enemy. Pulling up a zip anywhere near your face is a recipe for disaster, so either invest in a Paddington Bear style button-up coat, or rock the unfastened look. Under no circumstances use zips. Or velcro for that matter.

Passport Contro
No Sir, I am not attempting to enter your country on someone else’s documentation. I am not a terrorist, and I’m pretty sure there’s no need to get your supervisor. Just put your fingers over the bottom part of the passport photo, it’s not that difficult.

Literally Having To Justify Your Beard Every Single Day

Would you ask someone why they have their hair a certain way? Or why they’re wearing the clothes they’ve chosen to? Would you make them feel like they should have to defend the simplest of aesthetic choices? No? So why is that courtesy not extended to the bearded minority of the world.

This is the everyday struggle of the bearded man (and indeed the bearded woman) – why won’t you shave? Isn’t it itchy? But you look so much older. Do you know beards make you look fatter? LEAVE ME ALONE.

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